Traditional Indian greens- Amruthaballi leaves (Part 1)
Posted By HealthyBuddha on Monday 28th November 2022
India is a land of greens, where you find such a huge variety of leafy vegetables to add to your diet. Unfortunately, most people are only aware of, and use only paalak, methi leaves and coriander leaves extensively.
There are so many other traditional greens native to certain parts of India, and with their individual health benefits.
There are so many other traditional greens native to certain parts of India, and with their individual health benefits.
While we at healthybuddha sell most of these traditional greens, we thought it would be nice to come up with a series about these herbs. This series is mainly to educate the masses about these traditional greens and an awareness of its benefits.
The first herb we will be talking about in this series is the Amruthaballi or Gilroy as its known in English. It is a climber plant thats very familiar on the walls, hedges, trees and backyards Mysore houses.
Health benefits
There is a reason for this being at the top of the list. Its because its a premier medicinal herb with these amazing medicinal values and health benefits:
- An immune booster
- Detoxifier and blood purifier
- Reduces rheumatic complications by strengthening tissues
- Improves memory, grasping power and recalling abilities
- Improves complexion, skin and voice
If you wonder how you can include this wonderful herb in your diet, its easy. You can dry and powder the stems and add a bit to milk and drink everyday. It helps boost your body immunity levels. You can also mix the juice of fresh leaves with water and honey and consume orally.
We will next be talking about the famed Gongura leaves from Andhra. So keep waiting!